What’s in it for you?

Earn cashback/loyalty points on all your POS and online purchases (domestic and international) with the AAIB credit card reward program.

Cardholders are eligible to earn up to 2.5 points on every EGP spent domestically and internationally. Points can be redeemed on eligible POS and online transactions. Cash withdrawals and any other charges or fees do not qualify as ways to earn reward points. Cardholders are required to contact the call center to request redemption against vouchers or cashback, and can pay their annual card fees with earned reward points.

Features and benefits

  • AAIB Visa and Titanium Mastercard cardholders are entitled to redeem their rewards points against gift vouchers and cashback
  • No monthly cap per account on earned points
  • Points can be redeemed at multiples of 10,000. Minimum redemption is 10,000 points
  • Only EPG credit cards qualify for the rewards program
  • All earned points expire 24 months after the date they are earned. The expired points are based on a first-in, first-out basis

Card typePOS/E-Commerce spend (domestic and international)
Visa Classic1 point for every EGP spent
Visa Gold/Titanium Mastercard1.5 points for every EGP spent
Visa Platinum2 points for every EGP spent
Visa Signature2.5 points for Every EGP spent
Point value:
  • EGP 0.005 for redemption against vouchers
  • EGP 0.004 for cashback

**Terms and conditions apply